整形手术 Myths Busted | Donaldson Health-澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网


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By 杰弗里·唐纳森, MD |

Myths Busted: 整形手术 

Using Science To Dispel Misconceptions About Cosmetic 澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网 

Myths Busted: 整形手术 

整形外科是医学的一个领域,它采用澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台来改善身体的美学吸引力和功能. Despite its therapeutic purposes, it often faces misconceptions or stigma, primarily due to its emphasis on cosmetic enhancements.

Our board-certified experts aim to debunk prevalent plastic surgery myths 通过提供科学可靠的信息和促进更好地理解什么 实际上 happens in the operating room.

Myth: Plastic Surgeons Still Use Leeches

While it may sound medieval, 在医疗过程中使用水蛭不是过去的遗物,而是一种令人惊讶的现代技术. 水蛭可以用来改善重新连接的组织的血液流动,帮助愈合过程. 然而, this practice is reserved for unique cases and specific procedures, including those that address abscesses, 青光眼, thrombosis and some blood circulation disorders.

“患者不需要担心我们使用水蛭,因为我们没有进行可能需要水蛭的手术. We don’t use sterile maggots, either.” 

-杰弗里·唐纳森, MD

Myth: 抽脂术 Is A 减肥 Solution

抽脂术 is often misconceived as a weight loss solution, 但它的主要目的是修饰身体的特定部位. 这种方法最适合去除对饮食和运动有抵抗力的局部脂肪沉积, rather than serving as a method for substantial weight loss.


抽脂术 surgery patient

Myth: 乳房 Implants Will Make You Float

No, breast implants will not cause a person to float. 乳房植入物——无论是生理盐水还是硅胶——都是为了模仿乳房组织的自然密度而设计的. 它们不具有在水中引起显著浮力的浮力特性.

Myth: 整形手术 Is Only For Looks

Plastic surgery is not solely an extension of vanity; it plays a critical role in reconstructive procedures that improve patients’ quality of life. 这些世界级的干预措施对于寻求增强其身体和心理健康的患者至关重要.

例如, reconstructive procedures following trauma, 癌症或先天性畸形有助于恢复功能和外观. 乳房 reduction surgery and 腹部除皱 surgery can relieve back pain, while labiaplasty and 提体手术 offer additional comfort and hygienic benefits.

Myth: You Lose Nipple Sensation After 乳房 Implant Surgery

虽然乳头的敏感性和感觉可能会发生变化,但它们通常是暂时的. 外科技术的进步大大降低了长期感觉改变的风险, 确保大多数澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台保持或最终恢复正常的感觉.

阴道整型的 patient posing with backdrop

Myth: 阴道整型的 Decreases Sexual Sensation

阴道整型的 是否经过精心操作以保持和增强功能和感觉. No nerves are removed or damaged through the process. 我们的许多澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台报告术后的舒适和澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网增加了, which can positively impact their 性的健康 and overall well-being.

More Facts About 阴道整型的

Myth: Fat Won’t Come 回来 After 抽脂术

抽脂术 removes fat cells from targeted areas permanently; however, 如果澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台体重增加,它并不能阻止剩余的脂肪细胞扩张. 通过均衡的饮食和规律的锻炼来保持稳定的体重对于持久的效果至关重要.

Myth: You Can’t Get Pregnant After A 腹部除皱

A 腹部除皱 — or abdominoplasty -不影响妇女怀孕或健康怀孕的能力. 这个手术包括去除多余的皮肤和脂肪,收紧腹部肌肉, but it does not interfere with reproductive organs.

也就是说, 女性通常会被建议在做腹部除皱手术之前完成他们的家庭,以达到最佳效果, 持久的结果.

乳房 augmentation posing with brown backdrop

Myth: You Can’t 乳房feed After 乳房 Augmentation

乳房 augmentation typically does not impede a woman’s ability to breastfeed. 现代外科技术的目的是保护乳管和乳神经. 然而, discussing 母乳喂养计划在手术前由委员会认证的整形外科医生进行 如果患者希望在未来进行母乳喂养,那么针对可能的最佳结果量身定制方法是否至关重要.


虽然吸脂确实可以永久地从目标区域移除脂肪细胞, it does not prevent weight gain. 随后增加的体重将按比例分布在全身, not specifically in untreated areas.

Myth: 乳房 Implants Need Replaced Every 10 Years

虽然人们普遍认为隆胸每10年需要更换一次, this is not necessarily the case. Implants may last longer without issues,除非出现并发症或患者希望进行手术,否则不需要常规更换 breast augmentation revision.


乳房 implant surgery myths
杰弗里·唐纳森, MD, author photo


杰弗里·唐纳森, MD,是一个 board-certified plastic surgeon in Columbus, Ohio. He specializes in a number of surgical procedures, including breast augmentation, 腹部除皱, liposuction and labiaplasty. Dr. 唐纳森认为,准确的知识使患者能够在与他们的审美和整体健康目标相交叉的手术中做出明智的决定. As part of his education-driven approach, he aims to provide a clearer, scientifically grounded understanding of plastic surgery.

